
AVS Passport to Mission - English

Time limit: 90 days


Full course description

This is a BRAND NEW COURSE on a BRAND NEW LEARNING PLATFORM! Thank you for joining the beta test group to test the functionality of this course. Even though this is a beta course, you will still receive a certificate at the end of the course. If you encounter any problems, typos or need any direction, please email feedback to


In this course you'll learn about a variety of topics essential for your mission success. You will explore your motivations for getting involved in missions and learn how expectations can impact your adjustment. You'll be introduced to 'worldview' and how it impacts how we share the Gospel with someone with a very different understanding of the world. We'll even discuss topics such as what and how to pack, how to deal with emergencies, and how to stay physically and spiritually healthy. The course is made up of 6 modules with a total of 29 lessons and is self-guided and self-paced. You must complete this course in 90 days. 

Sign up for this course today!
